Iron Fey Wiki

DraxinniaOfTheLost DraxinniaOfTheLost 25 January 2012


Ok, yes, this is a copy from my actual blog, but I figure since SOPA actually could affect Wikia, I might as well post is here. You can find my blog at:

I hope this is how blogs work on wikia...and that it's not just supposed to be about iron fey. If not...oh well... Admittedly, I do very rarely watch the news. I have no wish to see who died this week, or which part of the constitution is being overlooked. It’s not that I don’t care, I just find it extremely depressing. And the reports on politics sound just like a whole bunch of bickering over nonsense. Ember informs me that I probably have a better grasp of politics than most people if this is how I truly see it.

Today, however, I heard on the news that they ar…

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